multiScaleAnalysis.Stitching package


multiScaleAnalysis.Stitching.multiScale_stitching module

class multiScaleAnalysis.Stitching.multiScale_stitching.image_stitcher[source]

Bases: object

This class stitches images from the low-resolution data acquisiton of the self-driving, multi-scale microscope.


Initialize stitcher

crop_images(image_crops_x, image_crops_y)[source]

Remove/crop parts of the images and update self.rawimage array with cropped images. This is function is helpful, e.g. to cut away parts of the image that were not properly illuminated.

  • image_crops_x – For every image specify cropping in x direction [startpoint, endpoint], e.g. [[396, 396 + 3300], [208, 208 + 3236], [200, 200 + 3052]]

  • image_crops_y – For every image specify cropping in y direction [startpoint, endpoint], e.g. [[396, 396 + 3300], [208, 208 + 3236], [200, 200 + 3052]]

iterate_overfolder(experimentfolder_parent, experimentfolder_result, channelnames, region, sample, image_crops_y, image_crops_x, displacement_x, displacement_y, optimize_alignment=1, limit_search=[], use_reference=0)[source]

Iterate over the output of the low-resolution imaging of the multi-scale microscope to stitch all the data based on an initial guess of the translational shift (from the stage positions).

  • experimentfolder_parent – Folder where all timepoints are in

  • experimentfolder_result – Folder to save the result of Stitching

  • channelnames – List of channels to stitch

  • region – List of regions, e.g. “low_stack000”

  • sample – Which fish/sample are you Stitching, e.g. “fish3”

  • image_crops_y – Cropping parameters so that empty regions/at border can be removed, e.g. [[396, 396 + 3336], [308, 308 + 3336], [212, 212 + 3052]]

  • image_crops_x – Cropping parameters so that empty regions/at border can be removed, e.g. [[200, 2200], [200, 2200], [200, 2200]]

  • displacement_x – Approximate displacement in x

  • displacement_y – Approximate displacement in y

  • optimize_alignment – (Optional) do you want to optimize the alignment per timepoint or apply the same parameters to whole timelapse

  • limit_search – (Optional) do you want to restrict the finding of optimal Stitching to a small overlap window? if yes, give a range: [100, 15]

  • use_reference – Use a reference for individual timepoints


Load the images specified by the path list and populate the self.rawimages array.


pathlist – Array of image paths to open


Make maximum projections of the images in the self.rawimages array and save them in the self.maxprojections array.

optimize_overlap(limit_search=[], extendfactor=100)[source]

Optimizes the provided overlap, based on the maximum projections.

  • limit_search – Constrain the search around the center of a predefined position, e.g. what maximum displacement is expected

  • extendfactor – Determines how large the overlap region is on which you calculate the overlap.


The optimized translation values (translation_values_x, translation_values_y).


Perform image fusion by selecting the maximum intensity of both images.


imagearrays – list of images to fuse, translation based on self.calculated_displacement


fused maximum projection image of imagearrays


Perform fusion based on a sigmoidal blending curve of both images.


imagearrays – list of images to fuse


weighted average fused image


Perform plane-by-plane wise fusion on 3D stack.


mode – select mode of image fusion (maximum or weighted)


fused_image. 3D image fused stack.

stitching_workflow(imagelist, image_crops_x=None, image_crops_y=None, optimizeAlignment=1, limit_search=[], clipped=1, use_reference=1)[source]

Process one set of filepaths, load images, (optionally) crop them, (optionally) improve alignment, fuse data and (optionally) clip data.

  • imagelist – Filepaths of images to stitch

  • image_crops_x – (Optional) crop images before Stitching

  • image_crops_y – (Optional) crop images before Stitching

  • optimizeAlignment – (Optional) run optimization of alignment for stack (1 = yes, 0 = no)

  • limit_search – (Optional) if you want to limit the search to a region around a pre-aligned setting

  • clipped – (Optional) clip stack so that no zero value pixels are in the image (1 = yes, 0 = no)

  • use_reference – (Optional) use a reference set at the beginning for Stitching so that parameters don’t drift outside expected values


Fused image of files in imagelist

Module contents