Self-driving, multi-scale image analysis
Self-driving, multi-scale image analysis software is an open-source collection of Python and Matlab code to analyse custom multi-scale light-sheet microscope data from continuous, long-term, simultaneous low- and high-resolution imaging.
If you use this code, please cite our preprint: “Imaging of cellular dynamics in vitro and in situ: from a whole organism to sub-cellular imaging with self-driving, multi-scale microscopy” by Stephan Daetwyler, Hanieh Mazloom-Farsibaf, Felix Y. Zhou, Dagan Segal, Etai Sapoznik, Jill M. Westcott, Rolf A. Brekken, Gaudenz Danuser and Reto Fiolka
The Github repository for all the described code is here:
Test data to run the scripts is available on Synapse and Zenodo:
Getting started and installation
Microscope characterization
Low-resolution analysis
High-resolution analysis
Data visualization
Python API references