PSF analysis
To characterize microscope performance, we developed our own Python pipeline to characterize the resolution (point spread function values) of fluorescent nano-spheres across an entire image volume. Note: The calculation of the PSF follows the recipe of the well-used MetroloJ plugin:
Running the Python script
To run the PSF script, first set the file paths to where the data to analyse is saved and where you want to save the results of the data processing. The imagefilepath is the file containing the image stack with the beads (raw image). The output of the script produces an Excel file with all identified beads and their PSF values (imagefilepath_Excelfile), a summary statement with the median PSF values in a text file (imagefilepath_textfile), a plot of the PSF values along the image dimensions (imagefilepath_plot) and for trouble-shooting, all identified beads and labels can be saved (imagefilepath_labelled).
# generate file paths
parentfolder = "~/beadfolder/"
imagefilepath = parentfolder + "1_CH488_000000.tif" # rawimage name
imagefilepath_labelled = parentfolder + "1_CH488_000000labelled.tif" # save image with labelled bead positions
imagefilepath_plot = parentfolder + "psf_plot.jpg" # plot bead profiles along image/stack axis
imagefilepath_Excelfile = parentfolder + "psf_values.xlsx" # save bead positions and their values to Excel file
imagefilepath_textfile = parentfolder + "psf_values.txt" # save summary textfile
Next, define parameters used for calculation of the PSFs:
# parameters
threshold = 500
areacutoff = 300
lateral_dist = 10
axial_dist = 6
pixelvalue_lateral_um = 0.117
pixelvalue_axial_um = 0.2
cutoff_lateralPSFvalue = 1
cutoff_axialPSFvalue = 2
showbeadplot = True
averageplotstepsize = 100
Parameter explanation: In the script, beads are identified as pixels with an intensity higher than a threshold (threshold). Subsequent connected component labeling identifies the centroid of these beads. The obtained list of centroids is filtered for beads too close to the edge and for beads (large clusters/aggregates), that exceed a defined value in area (areacutoff).
To calculate the point spread function (PSF) for a bead, an image with a single bead in it is required. For this, the image stack is cropped around the centroid of the selected bead with [x +/- lateral_dis, y +/- lateral_dis, z +/- axial_dist]. There are two distances here as the axial PSF value is often larger than the lateral PSF value. To translate the pixel measurements to physical distances, it is required to calibrate the measurement with the physical sizes of each pixel (e.g. in micrometer) for lateral (pixelvalue_lateral_um) and axial (pixelvalue_lateral_um) directions. As preparation of bead samples often leads to aggregates, a maximally expected value of the PSF (in physical distances) can be chosen to exclude these aggregates from the visualization and median calculation (cutoff_lateralPSFvalue, cutoff_axialPSFvalue). To show the resulting plot of PSF values along the image directions while running the script, select: showbeadplot = True. To plot the change of the average of multiple beads in this plot, set the pixel range over which beads are averaged with: averageplotstepsize = 100
To run the script after changing the parameters, use the terminal with the activated conda environment (see Installation), navigate to the folder and enter:
(imageanalysis_env) ~/Tools$ python
Testdata set for PSF characterization
A test data set is available to calculate the PSF values of an example bead sample from the high-resolution axially-swept light-sheet acquisition.
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