Source code for multiScaleAnalysis.Stitching.multiScale_stitching

from tifffile import imread, imwrite
import numpy as np
import os
import scipy
import scipy.ndimage as ndimage

[docs] class image_stitcher(): """ This class stitches images from the low-resolution data acquisiton of the self-driving, multi-scale microscope. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """ Initialize stitcher """ self.rawimages = [] self.maxprojections = [] self.expecteddisplacement_x = [] self.expecteddisplacement_y = [] self.calculated_displacement_x = [] self.calculated_displacement_y = [] self.correctionfactor = 1#make border regions a bit more bright if >1. self.reference_displacement_x =[] self.reference_displacement_y=[]
[docs] def load_image(self, pathlist): """ Load the images specified by the path list and populate the self.rawimages array. :param pathlist: Array of image paths to open """ self.rawimages = [] for imagepath_name in pathlist: self.rawimages.append(imread(imagepath_name)) print("image loaded" + imagepath_name)
[docs] def make_maxprojections(self): """ Make maximum projections of the images in the self.rawimages array and save them in the self.maxprojections array. """ self.maxprojections = [] for image in self.rawimages: self.maxprojections.append(np.max(image,axis=0))
[docs] def optimize_overlap(self, limit_search=[], extendfactor=100): """ Optimizes the provided overlap, based on the maximum projections. :param limit_search: Constrain the search around the center of a predefined position, e.g. what maximum displacement is expected :param extendfactor: Determines how large the overlap region is on which you calculate the overlap. :return: The optimized translation values (translation_values_x, translation_values_y). """ #check if maxprojections have been made if len(self.maxprojections)==0: self.make_maxprojections() translation_values_x = self.expecteddisplacement_x.copy() translation_values_y = self.expecteddisplacement_y.copy() for iter in range(len(self.maxprojections) - 1): imageshape = self.maxprojections[iter].shape cut_y = translation_values_y[iter + 1] - translation_values_y[iter] # calculate overlap between image i and i+1 # obtain overlap region image i overlaplength_y = imageshape[1] - cut_y image_first = self.maxprojections[iter].copy() image_second = self.maxprojections[iter + 1].copy() #determine relative x shift shift_x = translation_values_x[iter + 1] - translation_values_x[iter] if shift_x >0: start_image1_crop = int(shift_x) start_image2_crop = 0 end_image1_crop = int(min(self.maxprojections[iter].shape[0], self.maxprojections[iter+1].shape[0] + shift_x)) end_image2_crop = int(min(self.maxprojections[iter].shape[0] - shift_x, self.maxprojections[iter + 1].shape[0])) else: start_image1_crop = 0 start_image2_crop = -int(shift_x) end_image1_crop = int(min(self.maxprojections[iter].shape[0],self.maxprojections[iter + 1].shape[0] + shift_x)) end_image2_crop = int(min(-shift_x + self.maxprojections[iter].shape[0],self.maxprojections[iter + 1].shape[0])) crop_image_first = image_first[start_image1_crop:end_image1_crop, (cut_y - extendfactor):imageshape[1]].astype('float32') crop_image_second = image_second[start_image2_crop:end_image2_crop, 100:(overlaplength_y - extendfactor)].astype('float32') #imwrite(os.path.join(experimentfolder_result, "im_g1.tif"), crop_image_first) #imwrite(os.path.join(experimentfolder_result, "im_ga2.tif"), crop_image_second) im1_gaussian = np.subtract(crop_image_first, ndimage.gaussian_filter(crop_image_first, sigma=5)) im2_gaussian = np.subtract(crop_image_second, ndimage.gaussian_filter(crop_image_second, sigma=5)) # calculate the correlation image; note the flipping of one of the images fft_image = scipy.signal.fftconvolve(im1_gaussian, im2_gaussian[::-1, ::-1], mode='same') if limit_search: c_rows= int(fft_image.shape[0]/2) c_columns= int(fft_image.shape[1]/2) fft_imagelimited = fft_image[c_rows - limit_search[0]:c_rows+limit_search[0], c_columns-limit_search[1]:c_columns+limit_search[1]] point = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(fft_imagelimited), fft_imagelimited.shape) corr_x = point[0] + (c_rows - limit_search[0]) corr_y = point[1] + (c_columns-limit_search[1]) else: point = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(fft_image), fft_image.shape) corr_x = point[0] corr_y = point[1] #print(str(corr_x) + ", " + str(corr_y)) #print("currentiter " + str(iter) + ": " + str((end_image1_crop - start_image1_crop)/ 2) + " and " + str(extendfactor + overlaplength_y / 2)) # imwrite(os.path.join(experimentfolder_result, "im_gaussian1.tif"), im1_gaussian) # imwrite(os.path.join(experimentfolder_result, "im_gaussian2.tif"), im2_gaussian) correctionfactor_y = corr_y - extendfactor - overlaplength_y / 2 translation_values_y[iter + 1] = translation_values_y[iter + 1] + int(correctionfactor_y) correctionfactor_x = int(corr_x - (end_image1_crop - start_image1_crop)/ 2) #compare x shift to previous shift to get an absolute displacement if iter==0: translation_values_x[iter + 1] = int(translation_values_x[iter+1]+ correctionfactor_x) else: translation_values_x[iter + 1] = int(translation_values_x[iter+1] + correctionfactor_x) ##normalize x shift, so that minimal value is zero translation_values_x = translation_values_x - np.min(translation_values_x) return (translation_values_x, translation_values_y)
[docs] def perform_2D_maximum_fusion(self, imagearrays): """ Perform image fusion by selecting the maximum intensity of both images. :param imagearrays: list of images to fuse, translation based on self.calculated_displacement :return: fused maximum projection image of imagearrays """ imagelength_y = np.max(self.calculated_displacement_y) + imagearrays[len(imagearrays) - 1].shape[1] imagelength_x=0 for i in range(len(self.maxprojections)): current_x = self.maxprojections[i].shape[0] + self.calculated_displacement_x[i] imagelength_x = max(current_x, imagelength_x) maximum_image = np.zeros(shape=(imagelength_x, imagelength_y), dtype='uint16') for iter in range(len(imagearrays)): imagetopad = imagearrays[iter].copy() startposition = self.calculated_displacement_y[iter] endposition = self.calculated_displacement_y[iter] + imagetopad.shape[1] startposition_x = self.calculated_displacement_x[iter] endposition_x = self.calculated_displacement_x[iter] + imagetopad.shape[0] paddedimage = np.pad(imagetopad, ((startposition_x, imagelength_x-endposition_x), (startposition, imagelength_y - endposition)), 'constant') maximum_image = np.maximum(maximum_image, paddedimage) return maximum_image
[docs] def perform_2D_weighted_average_fusion(self, imagearrays): """ Perform fusion based on a sigmoidal blending curve of both images. :param imagearrays: list of images to fuse :return: weighted average fused image """ #calculate overall image shape imagelength_y = np.max(self.calculated_displacement_y) + imagearrays[len(imagearrays) - 1].shape[1] imagelength_x = 0 for i in range(len(self.maxprojections)): current_x = self.maxprojections[i].shape[0] + self.calculated_displacement_x[i] imagelength_x = max(current_x, imagelength_x) ####calculate and apply weights weightedimages = imagearrays.copy() for iter in range(len(weightedimages) - 1): # go over overlap regions # calculate overlap region parameters image = weightedimages[iter] nextimage = weightedimages[iter + 1] endposition_y = self.calculated_displacement_y[iter] + image.shape[1] startposition_next_y = self.calculated_displacement_y[iter + 1] overlapsize_y = endposition_y - startposition_next_y # define sigmoidal blending curves n1sigmoidrange = np.linspace(-6, 6, num=overlapsize_y) #use linspace not arrange here n1sigmoid = 1 / (1 + np.exp(n1sigmoidrange)) inverse_1sigmoid = 1 - n1sigmoid #apply correction factor n1sigmoid = n1sigmoid*self.correctionfactor inverse_1sigmoid = inverse_1sigmoid*self.correctionfactor # make sigmoidal arrays n2sigmoid = np.tile(n1sigmoid, (image.shape[0], 1)) n2_inversesigmoid = np.tile(inverse_1sigmoid, (nextimage.shape[0], 1)) # make multiplication matrices invariableimagepart = np.ones(shape=(image.shape[0], image.shape[1] - overlapsize_y)) imagemultiplicationarray = np.concatenate((invariableimagepart, n2sigmoid), axis=1) invariable_nextimage = np.ones(shape=(nextimage.shape[0], nextimage.shape[1] - overlapsize_y)) nextimagemultiplicationarray = np.concatenate((n2_inversesigmoid, invariable_nextimage), axis=1) weightedimages[iter] = weightedimages[iter] * imagemultiplicationarray weightedimages[iter + 1] = weightedimages[iter + 1] * nextimagemultiplicationarray #add images together image_weighted_float = np.zeros(shape=(imagelength_x, imagelength_y), dtype='uint16') for iter in range(len(weightedimages)): # addimages startposition_x = self.calculated_displacement_x[iter] endposition_x = self.calculated_displacement_x[iter] + weightedimages[iter].shape[0] startposition_y = self.calculated_displacement_y[iter] endposition_y = self.calculated_displacement_y[iter] + weightedimages[iter].shape[1] paddedimage = np.pad(weightedimages[iter], ((startposition_x, imagelength_x-endposition_x), (startposition_y, imagelength_y - endposition_y)), 'constant') image_weighted_float = image_weighted_float + paddedimage.copy() image_weighted = image_weighted_float.astype('uint16') return image_weighted
[docs] def perform_3D_fusion(self, mode="weighted"): """ Perform plane-by-plane wise fusion on 3D stack. :param mode: select mode of image fusion (maximum or weighted) :return: fused_image. 3D image fused stack. """ # calculate overall image shape imagelength_y = np.max(self.calculated_displacement_y) + self.rawimages[len(self.rawimages) - 1].shape[2] imagelength_x = 0 for i in range(len(self.maxprojections)): current_x = self.maxprojections[i].shape[0] + self.calculated_displacement_x[i] imagelength_x = max(current_x, imagelength_x) nb_planes = self.rawimages[0].shape[0] fused_image = np.zeros(shape=(nb_planes, imagelength_x, imagelength_y), dtype='uint16') #stitch plane by plane for i_plane in range(nb_planes): imagearray = [] for i_image in range(len(self.rawimages)): imagearray.append(self.rawimages[i_image][i_plane, :, :]) if mode=="weighted": fused_image[i_plane, :, :] = self.perform_2D_weighted_average_fusion(imagearray) else: fused_image[i_plane, :, :] = self.perform_2D_maximum_fusion(imagearray) return fused_image
[docs] def crop_images(self,image_crops_x, image_crops_y): """ Remove/crop parts of the images and update self.rawimage array with cropped images. This is function is helpful, e.g. to cut away parts of the image that were not properly illuminated. :param image_crops_x: For every image specify cropping in x direction [startpoint, endpoint], e.g. [[396, 396 + 3300], [208, 208 + 3236], [200, 200 + 3052]] :param image_crops_y: For every image specify cropping in y direction [startpoint, endpoint], e.g. [[396, 396 + 3300], [208, 208 + 3236], [200, 200 + 3052]] """ for iter in range(len(self.rawimages)): self.rawimages[iter] = self.rawimages[iter][:,(image_crops_x[iter][0]):(image_crops_x[iter][1]),(image_crops_y[iter][0]):(image_crops_y[iter][1])]
[docs] def stitching_workflow(self, imagelist, image_crops_x=None, image_crops_y=None, optimizeAlignment=1, limit_search=[], clipped=1, use_reference=1): """ Process one set of filepaths, load images, (optionally) crop them, (optionally) improve alignment, fuse data and (optionally) clip data. :param imagelist: Filepaths of images to stitch :param image_crops_x: (Optional) crop images before Stitching :param image_crops_y: (Optional) crop images before Stitching :param optimizeAlignment: (Optional) run optimization of alignment for stack (1 = yes, 0 = no) :param limit_search: (Optional) if you want to limit the search to a region around a pre-aligned setting :param clipped: (Optional) clip stack so that no zero value pixels are in the image (1 = yes, 0 = no) :param use_reference: (Optional) use a reference set at the beginning for Stitching so that parameters don't drift outside expected values :return: Fused image of files in imagelist """ #initialize expected displacement. self.expecteddisplacement_x = self.reference_displacement_x.copy() self.expecteddisplacement_y = self.reference_displacement_y.copy() #load images and crop if desired self.load_image(imagelist) if image_crops_x is not None: self.crop_images(image_crops_x, image_crops_y) #make max projection for Stitching self.make_maxprojections() #optimize alignments if optimizeAlignment==1: print("calculate optimized alignment") (self.calculated_displacement_x, self.calculated_displacement_y) = self.optimize_overlap(limit_search=limit_search) self.expecteddisplacement_x = self.calculated_displacement_x self.expecteddisplacement_y = self.calculated_displacement_y elif self.calculated_displacement_y==[]: print("load expected displacement as parameters for Stitching") self.calculated_displacement_x = self.expecteddisplacement_x self.calculated_displacement_y = self.expecteddisplacement_y print("calculated displacement y " + str(self.calculated_displacement_y)) print("calculated displacement x " + str(self.calculated_displacement_x)) fused_image = self.perform_3D_fusion() #clip to part with only data (remove 0 pixels at border if clipped == 1: lengthlist = [] for i in range(len(self.maxprojections)): lengthlist.append(self.maxprojections[i].shape[0] + self.calculated_displacement_x[i]) crop_end = np.min(lengthlist) print("image clipped") fused_image2 = fused_image[:, np.max(i_stitch.calculated_displacement_x):crop_end, :] else: print("not cropped") fused_image2 = fused_image #set shift back to reference values if use_reference==1: self.expecteddisplacement_x = self.reference_displacement_x.copy() self.expecteddisplacement_y = self.reference_displacement_y.copy() return fused_image2
[docs] def iterate_overfolder(self, experimentfolder_parent, experimentfolder_result, channelnames, region, sample, image_crops_y, image_crops_x, displacement_x, displacement_y, optimize_alignment=1, limit_search=[], use_reference=0 ): """ Iterate over the output of the low-resolution imaging of the multi-scale microscope to stitch all the data based on an initial guess of the translational shift (from the stage positions). :param experimentfolder_parent: Folder where all timepoints are in :param experimentfolder_result: Folder to save the result of Stitching :param channelnames: List of channels to stitch :param region: List of regions, e.g. "low_stack000" :param sample: Which fish/sample are you Stitching, e.g. "fish3" :param image_crops_y: Cropping parameters so that empty regions/at border can be removed, e.g. [[396, 396 + 3336], [308, 308 + 3336], [212, 212 + 3052]] :param image_crops_x: Cropping parameters so that empty regions/at border can be removed, e.g. [[200, 2200], [200, 2200], [200, 2200]] :param displacement_x: Approximate displacement in x :param displacement_y: Approximate displacement in y :param optimize_alignment: (Optional) do you want to optimize the alignment per timepoint or apply the same parameters to whole timelapse :param limit_search: (Optional) do you want to restrict the finding of optimal Stitching to a small overlap window? if yes, give a range: [100, 15] :param use_reference: Use a reference for individual timepoints """ textfilepath = os.path.join(experimentfolder_result, sample + "_textfile.txt") writecrops = True #writecrops on first iteration. # set starting parameters self.expecteddisplacement_x = displacement_x self.expecteddisplacement_y = displacement_y # get all timepoints of folder dir_list = os.listdir(experimentfolder_parent) timepointlist = [] for path in dir_list: if path.startswith('t'): timepointlist.append(path) timepointlist.sort() print(timepointlist) #iterate over timepointlist for i_time in timepointlist: #if i_time < 't00016': # print("skip") # continue experimentfolder_timepoint = os.path.join(experimentfolder_parent, i_time) for imagechannelname in channelnames: imagelist = [os.path.join(experimentfolder_timepoint, region[0], imagechannelname + ".tif"), os.path.join(experimentfolder_timepoint, region[1], imagechannelname + ".tif"), os.path.join(experimentfolder_timepoint, region[2], imagechannelname + ".tif")] #check if you want to optimize alignment at all, if yes, which channel you want to optimize # (e.g. cancer cells have almost no signal and any alignment there is faulty optimize_channelalignment = optimize_alignment if optimize_alignment==1: #only align vascular channel / one channel so that other channels get same Stitching parameters if imagechannelname=="1_CH594_000000": optimize_channelalignment =1 else: optimize_channelalignment =0 fused_image = self.stitching_workflow(imagelist, image_crops_x, image_crops_y, optimizeAlignment=optimize_channelalignment, limit_search=limit_search, use_reference=use_reference) savefolder = os.path.join(experimentfolder_result, sample, i_time) if not os.path.exists(savefolder): os.makedirs(savefolder) save_file3D = os.path.join(savefolder, imagechannelname + ".tif") imwrite(save_file3D, fused_image) #make max projection for result verification maximage = np.max(fused_image, axis=0) maximageside = np.max(fused_image, axis=1) savefolder_max = os.path.join(experimentfolder_result, sample + "_max", imagechannelname) savefolder_max_side = os.path.join(experimentfolder_result, sample + "_max_side", imagechannelname) if not os.path.exists(savefolder_max): os.makedirs(savefolder_max) if not os.path.exists(savefolder_max_side): os.makedirs(savefolder_max_side) save_file_max = os.path.join(savefolder_max, i_time + ".tif") imwrite(save_file_max, maximage) save_file_max_side = os.path.join(savefolder_max_side, i_time + ".tif") imwrite(save_file_max_side, maximageside) if writecrops==True: file1 = open(textfilepath, "a") file1.write("image_crops_x: " + str(image_crops_x)+ "\n") file1.write("image_crops_y: " + str(image_crops_y)+ "\n") writecrops= False file1 = open(textfilepath, "a") file1.write(i_time + ": " + str(self.calculated_displacement_x) + " displacement y: " + str(self.calculated_displacement_y) + "\n") file1.close()
# Press the green button in the gutter to run the script. if __name__ == '__main__': # ============================================================================= # initialization of class # ============================================================================= i_stitch = image_stitcher() # ============================================================================= # Load the images and generate save folder # ============================================================================= experimentfolder_parent = "/archive/bioinformatics/Danuser_lab/Fiolka/Manuscripts/2023-multiscale/rawdata/12791724/Exemplary_StitchingDataset" experimentfolder_result = experimentfolder_parent + "_stitched_test" # ============================================================================= # run parameters for Stitching on all timepoints # ============================================================================= region = ["low_stack000", "low_stack001", "low_stack002"] sample = "fish1" channelnames = ["1_CH594_000000"] #provide values for croppping. image_crops_y = [[640, 640 + 3276], [556, 456 + 3408], [452, 452 + 3796]] image_crops_x = [[400, 2500], [400, 2500], [400, 2500]] #provide expected displacement in (cropped) images. i_stitch.reference_displacement_x = [9, 6, 0] i_stitch.reference_displacement_y = [0, 2500, 4962] i_stitch.iterate_overfolder(experimentfolder_parent, experimentfolder_result, channelnames, region, sample, image_crops_y, image_crops_x, i_stitch.expecteddisplacement_x, i_stitch.expecteddisplacement_y, optimize_alignment=1, limit_search=[200, 80], use_reference=1 )