multiScaleAnalysis.SegmentationLowres package
multiScaleAnalysis.SegmentationLowres.segment_lowres_3d_stitched module
- class multiScaleAnalysis.SegmentationLowres.segment_lowres_3d_stitched.segment_macrophage_lowres_class[source]
This class gathers all functions to segment the macrophage and cancer cells of the low-resolution data.
- iterate_throughfolder(parentfolder, resultsfolder, channellist)[source]
Iterate through a folder with rawdata that should be segmented, generate filenames and calls the segmentation folders.
- Parameters:
parentfolder – folder through which to iterate
resultsfolder – folder where to save the outcome
channellist – iterate through channels
- segment_cancercells(savepath, background_substracted_path='path', savepath_xlsx='pathxlsx')[source]
Segment cancer cells in the low-resolution image and save the resulting segmentation and segmentation statistics.
- Parameters:
savepath – path to save segmentation outcome
background_substracted_path – path to save background substracted image (optional)
savepath_xlsx – path to save segmentation statistics
- segment_macrophage(savepath, background_substracted_path='path', savepath_xlsx='pathxlsx')[source]
Segment macrophages in the low-resolution image and save the resulting segmentation and segmentation statistics.
- Parameters:
savepath – path to save segmentation outcome
background_substracted_path – path to save background substracted image (optional)
savepath_xlsx – path to save segmentation statistics