Source code for multiScaleAnalysis.SegmentationLowres.segment_lowres_3d_stitched

import pyclesperanto_prototype as cle
from tifffile import imread, imwrite
import os
import pandas as pd
import scipy.ndimage as ndimage

import numpy as np


[docs] class segment_macrophage_lowres_class(): """ This class gathers all functions to segment the macrophage and cancer cells of the low-resolution data. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """ Initialization, including GPU initalization and parameter """ #1. initialize GPU------------------------------------- gpu_devices = cle.available_device_names(dev_type="gpu") print("Available GPU OpenCL devices:" + str(gpu_devices)) # selecting an Nvidia RTX cle.select_device("RTX") print("Using OpenCL device " + cle.get_device().name) self.image_tosegment = [] self.lateral_axialratio = 3.5/0.38
[docs] def open_image(self, imagename): """ Open image. :param imagename: file path to current image """ self.image_tosegment = imread(imagename)
[docs] def segment_macrophage(self, savepath, background_substracted_path="path", savepath_xlsx="pathxlsx"): """ Segment macrophages in the low-resolution image and save the resulting segmentation and segmentation statistics. :param savepath: path to save segmentation outcome :param background_substracted_path: path to save background substracted image (optional) :param savepath_xlsx: path to save segmentation statistics """ #downsample 3D volume so that it can be handled by GPU. im_rescaled = ndimage.zoom(self.image_tosegment, [1., 1. / self.lateral_axialratio, 1. / self.lateral_axialratio], order=1, mode='reflect') input_gpu = cle.push(im_rescaled) #pre-processing data background_subtracted = cle.top_hat_box(input_gpu, radius_x=6, radius_y=6, radius_z=6) if background_substracted_path != "path": imwrite(background_substracted_path, background_subtracted) print("background calculated") #thresholding and voronoi otsu labeling image1_t = cle.greater_constant(background_subtracted, None, 88.0) segmented = cle.voronoi_otsu_labeling(image1_t, None, 2.0, 1.0) segmented_withoutsmalllabels = cle.exclude_small_labels(segmented, maximum_size=10.0) segmented_array = cle.pull(segmented_withoutsmalllabels) #get segmentation statistics statistics = cle.statistics_of_labelled_pixels(input_gpu, segmented_array) table = pd.DataFrame(statistics) print("nb rows:" + str(table.shape[0])) if table.shape[0]<256: imwrite(savepath, segmented_array.astype("uint8")) else: imwrite(savepath, segmented_array.astype("uint16")) if savepath_xlsx != "pathxlsx": table.to_excel(savepath_xlsx)
[docs] def segment_cancercells(self, savepath, background_substracted_path="path", savepath_xlsx="pathxlsx"): """ Segment cancer cells in the low-resolution image and save the resulting segmentation and segmentation statistics. :param savepath: path to save segmentation outcome :param background_substracted_path: path to save background substracted image (optional) :param savepath_xlsx: path to save segmentation statistics """ # downsample 3D volume so that it can be handled by GPU. im_rescaled = ndimage.zoom(self.image_tosegment, [1., 1. / self.lateral_axialratio, 1. / self.lateral_axialratio], order=1, mode='reflect') input_gpu = cle.push(im_rescaled) # pre-processing: top hat box filter background_subtracted = cle.top_hat_box(input_gpu, radius_x=6, radius_y=6, radius_z=6) if background_substracted_path != "path": imwrite(background_substracted_path, background_subtracted) # greater constant image_constant_applied = cle.greater_constant(background_subtracted, None, 300.0) # segmentation: apply voronoi otsu labeling to binary image. image2_vol = cle.voronoi_otsu_labeling(image_constant_applied, None, 1.0, 2.0) # post-processing: exclude small labels image5_E = cle.exclude_small_labels(image2_vol, maximum_size=100.0) segmented_array = cle.pull(image5_E) #get segmentation statistics statistics = cle.statistics_of_labelled_pixels(input_gpu, segmented_array) table = pd.DataFrame(statistics) print("nb rows:" + str(table.shape[0])) if table.shape[0] < 256: imwrite(savepath, segmented_array.astype("uint8")) else: imwrite(savepath, segmented_array.astype("uint16")) if background_substracted_path != "pathxlsx": table.to_excel(savepath_xlsx)
[docs] def iterate_throughfolder(self, parentfolder, resultsfolder, channellist): """ Iterate through a folder with rawdata that should be segmented, generate filenames and calls the segmentation folders. :param parentfolder: folder through which to iterate :param resultsfolder: folder where to save the outcome :param channellist: iterate through channels """ #obtain a list of all timepoint folders in the parentfolder dir_list = os.listdir(parentfolder) print(dir_list) timepointlist = [] for path in dir_list: if path.startswith('t'): timepointlist.append(path) timepointlist.sort() print(timepointlist) for i_time in timepointlist: timepoint = i_time #iterate through the channels. for i_channel in range(len(channellist)): #define filenames channel = channellist[i_channel] whichfile = channel + '.tif' whichfile_sg = channel + 'sg.tif' csvfilename = timepoint + ".xlsx" # construct filepath imagefilepath = os.path.join(parentfolder, timepoint, whichfile) print(imagefilepath) resultfilefolder = os.path.join(resultsfolder, channel, timepoint) resultfilepath_sg = os.path.join(resultfilefolder, whichfile_sg) resultfilepath_bg = os.path.join(resultfilefolder, "background_test.tif") csvfolderpath = os.path.join(resultsfolder + "_xlsx", channel) csvfilefolderpath = os.path.join(csvfolderpath, csvfilename) # make folders try: os.makedirs(resultfilefolder) except OSError as error: pass try: os.makedirs(csvfolderpath) except OSError as error: pass # open image self.open_image(imagefilepath) # segment if channel == '1_CH488_000000': self.segment_macrophage(resultfilepath_sg, savepath_xlsx=csvfilefolderpath, background_substracted_path=resultfilepath_bg) else: self.segment_cancercells(resultfilepath_sg, savepath_xlsx=csvfilefolderpath)
if __name__ == '__main__': #init low res segmentation class segment_class = segment_macrophage_lowres_class() #parameters----------------------------------- parentfolder = "/archive/bioinformatics/Danuser_lab/Fiolka/Manuscripts/2023-multiscale/rawdata/12791724/Exemplary_Segmentation/Low_resolution/fish1" resultsfolder = parentfolder + "_segmented" channellist = ['1_CH488_000000', '1_CH552_000000'] #perform actions segment_class.iterate_throughfolder(parentfolder, resultsfolder, channellist)