Source code for multiScaleAnalysis.Tools.PSF_measurements

Script to analyze the PSF values over an entire image.

import skimage.filters as skfilters
from tifffile import imread, imwrite
import skimage.measure as skmeasure
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import pandas as pd

[docs] def load_image(filename): """ Load an image from disk. :param filename: filepath to image :return: np.array (image stack) """ print(f'load: {filename}') input_image = imread(filename) return input_image
[docs] def binarize_label_image(image, threshold): """ Binarize and label individual beads in image. :param image: np.array /3D image to analyze :param threshold: selected threshold to identify beads :return: np.array with labelled beads """ im_binary = image > (threshold) # +0.1; connected_components_labels = skmeasure.label(im_binary > 0) return connected_components_labels
[docs] def get_centroidpositions(props): """ Return the centroids as an array from region props. :param props: Region properties construct :return: np.array(n beads, 3) with centroid positions """ centroidarray = np.zeros(shape=(np.size(props), 3)).astype("int") for i in range(0,np.size(props)): centroidarray[i] = np.round(props[i].centroid).astype("int") return centroidarray
[docs] def filter_centroidpositions(centroidlist, areaarray, im_shape, axial_dist=5, lateral_dist=10, areacutoff=300): """ Filter the centroid positions to remove beads at the edge and beads that are too big (not point sources) or too small. :param centroidlist: list of centroid positions :param areaarray: :param im_shape: :param axial_dist: :param lateral_dist: :param areacutoff: largest area/volume acceptable for a bead """ centroidarray_filtered_v1 = np.zeros(shape=centroidlist.shape).astype("int") iternumber = 0 for i in range(0, len(centroidlist)): if centroidlist[i][0]-axial_dist<0 or centroidlist[i][0]+axial_dist> im_shape[0]: continue if centroidlist[i][1] - lateral_dist < 0 or centroidlist[i][1]+lateral_dist > im_shape[1]: continue if centroidlist[i][2] - lateral_dist < 0 or centroidlist[i][2]+lateral_dist > im_shape[2]: continue if areaarray[i]>areacutoff or areaarray[i]<3: continue centroidarray_filtered_v1[iternumber]= centroidlist[i] iternumber = iternumber + 1 centroidarray_filtered = np.zeros(shape=(iternumber,3)).astype("int") centroidarray_filtered = centroidarray_filtered_v1[0:iternumber,:] return centroidarray_filtered
[docs] def Gauss(x, a, b, c, d): """ Definition of a Gaussian function for fitting: # y = a + (b-a) * np.exp(-(x-c)**2/(2 * d ** 2)) :param x: x variable :param a: a parameter :param b: b parameter :param c: c parameter :param d: d parameter """ # Define the Gaussian function y = a + (b-a) * np.exp(-(x-c)**2/(2 * d ** 2)) return y
[docs] def determinePSFvalues(croppedimage, lateralstepsize=0.117, axialstepsize = 0.2): """ Determine the point spread function (PSF) value of a single bead in a cropped image. :param croppedimage: image containing a single bead. :param lateralstepsize: Physical dimension of voxel in lateral direction. :param axialstepsize: Physical dimension of voxel in axial direction. :return: PSF value array: [lateralX_FWHM, lateralY_FWHM, axial_FWHM], returns nan if no Gaussian fit to the function could be found. """ # find max index ind = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(croppedimage, axis=None), croppedimage.shape) #axialPSF lineZ = croppedimage[:,ind[1],ind[2]] xdata = axialstepsize * np.array(range(0,len(lineZ))) try: parametersZ, covariance = curve_fit(Gauss, xdata, lineZ) axial_FWHM = np.abs(parametersZ[3])*2.355 except: axial_FWHM = float("nan") #lateralPSF lineY = croppedimage[ind[0],:,ind[2]] xdata = lateralstepsize * np.array(range(0,len(lineY))) try: parametersY, covariance = curve_fit(Gauss, xdata, lineY) lateralY_FWHM = np.abs(parametersY[3])*2.355 except: lateralY_FWHM = float("nan") # lateralPSF lineX = croppedimage[ind[0], ind[1], :] xdata = lateralstepsize * np.array(range(0, len(lineX))) try: parametersX, covariance = curve_fit(Gauss, xdata, lineX) lateralX_FWHM = np.abs(parametersX[3]) * 2.355 except: lateralX_FWHM = float("nan") PSF_array = [lateralX_FWHM, lateralY_FWHM, axial_FWHM] return PSF_array
[docs] def get_psfvalues(image, centroidlist_filtered, axial_dist=5, lateral_dist=10, lateralstepsize=0.117, axialstepsize=0.2): """ Iterate over all beads in an image and generate an image crop for each bead. Calls the determinePSFvalues function to calculate the point spread function (PSF) value of the bead in the image crop, and enter the obtained PSF value into a list of PSF values. :param image: np.array/image with beads :param centroidlist_filtered: List of centroid positions. :param axial_dist: An image crop is generated with extend of centroid_z +/- axial_dist to calculate the PSF. :param lateral_dist: An image crop is generated with extend of centroid_x +/- lateral_dist and centroid_y +/- lateral_dist to calculate the PSF. :param lateralstepsize: Physical dimension of voxel in lateral direction. :param axialstepsize: Physical dimension of voxel in axial direction. :return: An array of PSF values """ psf_values_array = np.zeros(shape=(len(centroidlist_filtered), 6)).astype("float") for i in range(0,len(centroidlist_filtered)): # get roi of bead psf_values_array[i][0]=centroidlist_filtered[i][0] psf_values_array[i][1]=centroidlist_filtered[i][1] psf_values_array[i][2]=centroidlist_filtered[i][2] #generate image crop testimage = image[centroidlist_filtered[i][0] - axial_dist:centroidlist_filtered[i][0] + axial_dist, centroidlist_filtered[i][1] - lateral_dist:centroidlist_filtered[i][1] + lateral_dist, centroidlist_filtered[i][2] - lateral_dist:centroidlist_filtered[i][2] + lateral_dist] psf_results = determinePSFvalues(testimage, lateralstepsize, axialstepsize) psf_values_array[i][3] = psf_results[0] psf_values_array[i][4] = psf_results[1] psf_values_array[i][5] = psf_results[2] return psf_values_array
[docs] def filter_psfvalues(psf_list, highestlateralvalue=1, highestaxialvalue = 2): """ Filter the PSF values to remove clustered beads/aggregates etc. :param psf_list: list of psf values :param highestlateralvalue: highest expected lateral value from a single bead :param highestaxialvalue: highest expected axial value from a single bead :return: filtered list of psf values """ psfvalues_filtered_v1 = np.zeros(shape=psf_list.shape) iternumber = 0 for i in range(0, len(psfvalues_filtered_v1)): if psf_list[i][3] > highestlateralvalue or np.isnan(psf_list[i][3]): continue if psf_list[i][4] > highestlateralvalue or np.isnan(psf_list[i][4]): continue if psf_list[i][5] > highestaxialvalue or np.isnan(psf_list[i][5]): continue psfvalues_filtered_v1[iternumber]= psf_list[i] iternumber = iternumber + 1 psfvalues_filtered = np.zeros(shape=(iternumber,3)).astype("int") psfvalues_filtered = psfvalues_filtered_v1[0:iternumber,:] return psfvalues_filtered
if __name__ == '__main__': # generate file paths parentfolder = "/archive/bioinformatics/Danuser_lab/Fiolka/Manuscripts/2023-multiscale/rawdata/12791724/Exemplary_PSFcharaterization/" imagefilepath = parentfolder + "1_CH488_000000.tif" # rawimage name imagefilepath_labelled = parentfolder + "1_CH488_000000labelled.tif" # save image with bead positions imagefilepath_plot = parentfolder + "psf_plot2.jpg" # plot bead profiles along image/stack axis imagefilepath_Excelfile = parentfolder + "psf_values.xlsx" # save bead positions and their values to Excel file imagefilepath_textfile = parentfolder + "psf_values.txt" # save summary textfile # parameters threshold = 500 lateral_dist = 10 axial_dist = 6 areacutoff = 300 pixelvalue_lateral_um = 0.117 pixelvalue_axial_um = 0.2 cutoff_lateralPSFvalue = 1 cutoff_axialPSFvalue = 2 showbeadplot = True averageplotstepsize = 100 #value for plotting average of beads (which range to average) #load image image=load_image(imagefilepath) #find beads in image image_binary = binarize_label_image(image, threshold) props = skmeasure.regionprops(image_binary) #optional: save label image to see if all beads were identified imwrite(imagefilepath_labelled, image_binary.astype("uint16")) #get centroidlist and filter it to remove beads at the image borders centroidlist = get_centroidpositions(props) #get arealist areaarray = np.zeros(shape=(np.size(props))).astype("int") for i in range(0, np.size(props)): areaarray[i] = np.round(props[i].area).astype("int") #plot histogram of area values to make an informed guess about which bead areas are acceptable # plt.hist(areaarray, density=True, bins=30, range=[0, 500]) # density=False would make counts # #get filtered list centroidlist_filtered = filter_centroidpositions(centroidlist, areaarray, image.shape, axial_dist=axial_dist,lateral_dist=lateral_dist, areacutoff=areacutoff) #get roi of bead to check if crop is good #imagefilepath_test = parentfolder + "test_bead.tif" # beadid = 3 # croppedimage = image[centroidlist_filtered[beadid][0]-axial_dist:centroidlist_filtered[beadid][0]+axial_dist, centroidlist_filtered[beadid][1] - lateral_dist:centroidlist_filtered[beadid][1] + lateral_dist, centroidlist_filtered[beadid][2]-lateral_dist:centroidlist_filtered[beadid][2]+lateral_dist] # imwrite(imagefilepath_test, croppedimage.astype("uint16")) # psfvalue_array = determinePSFvalues(croppedimage) #obtain the psf values of all beads and filter the list psf_list = get_psfvalues(image, centroidlist_filtered, axial_dist, lateral_dist, lateralstepsize=pixelvalue_lateral_um, axialstepsize=pixelvalue_axial_um) psf_values_filtered = filter_psfvalues(psf_list, highestlateralvalue=cutoff_lateralPSFvalue, highestaxialvalue=cutoff_axialPSFvalue) #report values print(np.nanmedian(psf_values_filtered[:,3])) print(np.nanmedian(psf_values_filtered[:,4])) print(np.nanmedian(psf_values_filtered[:,5])) # save values as Excel file df = pd.DataFrame(psf_values_filtered) df.to_excel(imagefilepath_Excelfile, index=False) print("saved Excel file") # sort the arrays for rolling average df_xaxis = df.sort_values(by=[1]) df_yaxis = df.sort_values(by=[2]) def get_average_range(array=df_xaxis, whichpsfvalue=3, whichimagedim=1, range=100, maxvalue=3000): """ Function to calculate the average of PSF values over a determined range :param array: which array to use :param whichpsfvalue: which PSF value (column) of the array to analyze :param whichimagedim: which image dimension of the image to look at (x, y, or z) :param range: range over which to sum beads :param maxvalue: what is the largest value to plot """ steparray = np.linspace(0, maxvalue - range, int((maxvalue) / range)) result = np.zeros(len(steparray)) iter = 0 for i in steparray: result[iter] = np.nanmedian( array[whichpsfvalue][np.logical_and(df_xaxis[whichimagedim] < i + range, df_xaxis[whichimagedim] > i)]) iter = iter + 1 steparrayresult = steparray + range / 2 return steparrayresult, result averagemaxvalue_x = image.shape[1] averagemaxvalue_y = image.shape[2] rolling_mean_xaxis_pixel, rolling_mean_xaxis_lat1 = get_average_range(array=df_xaxis, whichpsfvalue=3, whichimagedim=1, range=averageplotstepsize, maxvalue=averagemaxvalue_x) rolling_mean_xaxis_pixel, rolling_mean_xaxis_lat2 = get_average_range(array=df_xaxis, whichpsfvalue=4, whichimagedim=1, range=averageplotstepsize, maxvalue=averagemaxvalue_x) rolling_mean_xaxis_pixel, rolling_mean_xaxis_axial = get_average_range(array=df_xaxis, whichpsfvalue=5, whichimagedim=1, range=averageplotstepsize, maxvalue=averagemaxvalue_x) rolling_mean_yaxis_pixel, rolling_mean_yaxis_lat1 = get_average_range(array=df_yaxis, whichpsfvalue=3, whichimagedim=2, range=averageplotstepsize, maxvalue=averagemaxvalue_y) rolling_mean_yaxis_pixel, rolling_mean_yaxis_lat2 = get_average_range(array=df_yaxis, whichpsfvalue=4, whichimagedim=2, range=averageplotstepsize, maxvalue=averagemaxvalue_y) rolling_mean_yaxis_pixel, rolling_mean_yaxis_axial = get_average_range(array=df_yaxis, whichpsfvalue=5, whichimagedim=2, range=averageplotstepsize, maxvalue=averagemaxvalue_y) scale = 0.117 # plot values fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(30, 15)) axs[0, 0].scatter((scale * psf_values_filtered[:, 1]), psf_values_filtered[:, 3]) axs[0, 0].set_xlabel('(position x)') axs[0, 0].set_ylabel('(lateral resolution x)') axs[0, 0].plot(scale * rolling_mean_xaxis_pixel, rolling_mean_xaxis_lat1, 'b-', lw=3) axs[0, 1].scatter(scale * psf_values_filtered[:, 1], psf_values_filtered[:, 4]) axs[0, 1].plot(scale * rolling_mean_xaxis_pixel, rolling_mean_xaxis_lat2, 'b-', lw=3) axs[0, 1].set_xlabel('(position x)') axs[0, 1].set_ylabel('(lateral resolution y)') axs[0, 2].scatter(scale * psf_values_filtered[:, 1], psf_values_filtered[:, 5]) axs[0, 2].set_xlabel('(position x)') axs[0, 2].set_ylabel('(axial resolution )') axs[0, 2].plot(scale * rolling_mean_xaxis_pixel, rolling_mean_xaxis_axial, 'b-', lw=3) axs[1, 0].scatter(scale * psf_values_filtered[:, 2], psf_values_filtered[:, 3]) axs[1, 0].set_xlabel('(position y)') axs[1, 0].set_ylabel('(lateral resolution x)') axs[1, 0].plot(scale * rolling_mean_yaxis_pixel, rolling_mean_yaxis_lat1, 'b-', lw=3) axs[1, 1].scatter(scale * psf_values_filtered[:, 2], psf_values_filtered[:, 4]) axs[1, 1].set_xlabel('(position y)') axs[1, 1].set_ylabel('(lateral resolution y)') axs[1, 1].plot(scale * rolling_mean_yaxis_pixel, rolling_mean_yaxis_lat2, 'b-', lw=3) axs[1, 2].scatter(scale * psf_values_filtered[:, 2], psf_values_filtered[:, 5]) axs[1, 2].set_xlabel('(position y)') axs[1, 2].set_ylabel('(axial resolution )') axs[1, 2].plot(scale * rolling_mean_yaxis_pixel, rolling_mean_yaxis_axial, 'b-', lw=3) fig.savefig(imagefilepath_plot) if showbeadplot == True: # save values to text file f = open(imagefilepath_textfile, "a") f.write('\n' + "x: " + str(np.nanmedian(psf_values_filtered[:, 3]))) f.write(" y: " + str(np.nanmedian(psf_values_filtered[:, 4]))) f.write(" z: " + str(np.nanmedian(psf_values_filtered[:, 5]))) f.write(" number of beads: " + str(len(psf_values_filtered))) f.close()