Source code for multiScaleAnalysis.SegmentationHighres.gradient_watershed.flows_backup

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Feb 15 03:04:09 2023

@author: fyz11

Module for computing and implementing various flow definitions. 


import numpy as np 

Flow 1 - euclidean distance transform. 
# def distance_transform_labels(labels, bg_label=0):
#     import numpy as np 
#     from scipy.ndimage import distance_transform_edt
#     # import skfmm
#     dtform = np.zeros(labels.shape)
#     dtform_flow = np.zeros((2,)+labels.shape) # keep these separate!. 
#     uniq_labels = np.setdiff1d(np.unique(labels), bg_label)
#     for lab in uniq_labels:
#         mask = labels == lab
#         # dist_mask = skfmm.distance(mask>0)
#         # dist_mask = distance_transform_edt(mask>0)
#         dist_mask = sdf_distance_transform(mask>0)
#         # compute the gradient!. 
#         grad_dist_mask = np.array(np.gradient(dist_mask))
#         grad_dist_mask = grad_dist_mask / (np.linalg.norm(grad_dist_mask, axis=0)[None,...] + 1e-20)
#         dtform_flow[:,mask>0] = grad_dist_mask[:,mask>0].copy()
#         dtform[mask>0] = dist_mask[mask>0]
#     return dtform_flow, dtform 

# =============================================================================
#  Use the euclidean distance transform given in the edt library which is faster.
# =============================================================================
[docs] def distance_transform_labels_fast(labels, sdf=False, n_threads=16, black_border=False): """ compute euclidean distance transform for each uniquely labelled cell in a 2D/3D binary image """ import numpy as np import edt # external fast distance transform from seung lab. # can also compute sdf? if not sdf: if len(labels.shape) == 2: dtform = edt.edt(labels, black_border=black_border, order='C', parallel=n_threads).astype(np.float32) else: # does this not work for a 3D label set? dtform = np.array([edt.edt(ss, black_border=black_border, order='C', parallel=n_threads).astype(np.float32) for ss in labels]) else: if len(labels.shape) == 2: dtform = edt.sdf(labels, black_border=black_border, order='C', parallel=n_threads).astype(np.float32) else: dtform = np.array([edt.sdf(ss, black_border=black_border, order='C', parallel=n_threads).astype(np.float32) for ss in labels]) return dtform
# ============================================================================= # Use the poisson heat distance transform # ============================================================================= # construct the laplacian grid for a 2D image. (might be faster to exploit kron! ) def _laplacian_matrix(n, m, mask=None): # this is the only working solution! import scipy.sparse from scipy.sparse.linalg import spsolve mat_D = scipy.sparse.lil_matrix((m, m)) mat_D.setdiag(-1, -1) mat_D.setdiag(4) mat_D.setdiag(-1, 1) mat_A = scipy.sparse.block_diag([mat_D] * n).tolil() mat_A.setdiag(-1, 1*m) mat_A.setdiag(-1, -1*m) if mask is not None: y_range = mask.shape[0] x_range = mask.shape[1] # find the masked i.e. zeros zeros = np.argwhere(mask==0) # in (y,x) k = zeros[:,1] + zeros[:,0] * x_range mat_A[k,k] = 1 mat_A[k, k + 1] = 0 mat_A[k, k - 1] = 0 mat_A[k, k + x_range] = 0 mat_A[k, k - x_range] = 0 mat_A = mat_A.tocsc() else: mat_A = mat_A.tocsc() return mat_A
[docs] def poisson_dist_tform(binary, pt=None): """ Computation for a single binary image. """ import scipy.sparse from scipy.sparse.linalg import spsolve import numpy as np mask = np.pad(binary, [1,1], mode='constant', constant_values=1) # pad with ones. # ones need for connectivity.... mat_A = _laplacian_matrix(mask.shape[0], mask.shape[1], mask=mask) # this is correct! if pt is not None: mask = np.zeros_like(mask) mask[pt[0], pt[1]] = 1 mask_flat = mask.flatten() mat_b = np.zeros(len(mask_flat)) mat_b[mask_flat == 1] = 1 else: # now we need to zero the padding mask[0,:]=0 mask[:,-1]=0 mask[-1,:]=0 mask[:,0]=0 # solve within the mask! mask_flat = mask.flatten() # inside the mask: # \Delta f = div v = \Delta g mat_b = np.ones(len(mask_flat)) # does this matter -> the amount... mat_b[mask_flat == 0] = 0 x = spsolve(mat_A, mat_b) x = x.reshape(mask.shape) x = x[1:-1,1:-1].copy() x = x - x.min() # solution is only positive!. return x
[docs] def poisson_dist_tform_flow(coords, centroid, shape, power_dist=None): """ Solve diffusion for points. """ import numpy as np mask = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.bool) mask[coords[:,0], coords[:,1]] = 1 poisson = poisson_dist_tform(mask>0, pt=centroid) # compute the point source distance transform # if log_dist: # poisson = np.log(poisson+1.) if power_dist is not None: # why are we getting nan? wiht power boost? # this is to boost beyond the numerical limits. poisson = np.clip(poisson, 0, 1) poisson = poisson**power_dist # valid for 0-1 poisson_flow = np.array(np.gradient(poisson)) dy = poisson_flow[0, coords[:,0], coords[:,1]].copy() dx = poisson_flow[1, coords[:,0], coords[:,1]].copy() return poisson[coords[:,0], coords[:,1]], np.stack((dy,dx))
# ============================================================================= # Defining the fmm geodesic flow # ============================================================================= # def fmm_point_source2D(binary, pt): # """ # This is a much better solver of the diffusion # """ # import skfmm # import numpy as np # import skimage.morphology as skmorph # import scipy.ndimage as ndimage # # create a masked array # # mask = np.logical_not(skmorph.binary_dilation(binary, skmorph.disk(1))) # mask = np.logical_not(binary).copy() # # mask2 = np.logical_not(skmorph.binary_dilation(binary, skmorph.disk(1))) # mask2 = mask.copy() # m = np.ones_like(binary) # m[pt[0],pt[1]] = 0 # m =, mask2) # dist_image = skfmm.distance(m) # this is the answer!!! # dist_image = dist_image.max()-dist_image # invert the image!. # many ways to do this. # # fix up the boundary differentiation. # dist_outer = (skfmm.distance(mask)*-1) # can we make it smoother? # best # dist_image[mask>0] = dist_outer[mask>0] # this seems to work! (it gives a little normal push. ) # # dist_image = dist_image/dist_image.max() # retain this. # dist_gradient = np.array(np.gradient(dist_image)) # # dist_gradient = dist_gradient/(np.linalg.norm(dist_gradient, axis=0)[None,...]+1e-20) # normalise. # dist_gradient[:,mask>0] = 0 # dist_image[mask>0]=0 # return dist_image, dist_gradient
[docs] def fmm_point_source2D(coords, centroid, shape): """ This is a much better solver of the diffusion """ import skfmm import numpy as np import skimage.morphology as skmorph import scipy.ndimage as ndimage # construct the binary binary = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.bool) binary[coords[:,0], coords[:,1]] = 1 # construct the masked out region!. mask = np.logical_not(binary).copy() # mask2 = np.logical_not(skmorph.binary_dilation(binary, skmorph.disk(1))) mask2 = mask.copy() m = np.ones_like(binary) m[centroid[0],centroid[1]] = 0 # define the point source!. m =, mask2) dist_image = skfmm.distance(m) # this is the answer!!! dist_image = dist_image.max()-dist_image # invert the image!. # many ways to do this. # fix up the boundary differentiation. dist_outer = (skfmm.distance(mask)*-1) # can we make it smoother? # best dist_image[mask>0] = dist_outer[mask>0] # this seems to work! (it gives a little normal push. ) # dist_image = dist_image/dist_image.max() # retain this. dist_gradient = np.array(np.gradient(dist_image)) dy = dist_gradient[0, coords[:,0], coords[:,1]].copy() dx = dist_gradient[1, coords[:,0], coords[:,1]].copy() return dist_image[coords[:,0], coords[:,1]], np.stack((dy,dx))
# ============================================================================= # Replicating cellpose flow # ============================================================================= from numba import njit, float32, int32, vectorize @njit('(float64[:], int32[:], int32[:], int32, int32, int32, int32)', nogil=True) def _extend_centers(T,y,x,ymed,xmed,Lx, niter): """ run diffusion from center of mask (ymed, xmed) on mask pixels (y, x) taken from cellpose source code. Parameters -------------- T: float64, array _ x Lx array that diffusion is run in y: int32, array pixels in y inside mask x: int32, array pixels in x inside mask ymed: int32 center of mask in y xmed: int32 center of mask in x Lx: int32 size of x-dimension of masks niter: int32 number of iterations to run diffusion Returns --------------- T: float64, array amount of diffused particles at each pixel """ for t in range(niter): T[ymed*Lx + xmed] += 1 T[y*Lx + x] = 1/9. * (T[y*Lx + x] + T[(y-1)*Lx + x] + T[(y+1)*Lx + x] + T[y*Lx + x-1] + T[y*Lx + x+1] + T[(y-1)*Lx + x-1] + T[(y-1)*Lx + x+1] + T[(y+1)*Lx + x-1] + T[(y+1)*Lx + x+1]) return T
[docs] def cellpose_diffuse2D(coords, centroid, shape, niter): """ Solve diffusion for points. """ import numpy as np ly, lx = shape x = coords[:,1].copy() # these are the diffusion points to solve for. y = coords[:,0].copy() T = np.zeros((ly+2)*(lx+2), np.float64) T = _extend_centers(T, y=y.astype(np.int32), x=x.astype(np.int32), ymed=centroid[0].astype(np.int32), xmed=centroid[1].astype(np.int32), Lx=int32(lx), niter=int32(niter)) T[(y+1)*lx + x+1] = np.log(1.+T[(y+1)*lx + x+1]) dy = T[(y+1)*lx + x] - T[(y-1)*lx + x] dx = T[y*lx + x+1] - T[y*lx + x-1] return T[(y+1)*lx + x+1], np.stack((dy,dx))
# ============================================================================= # Generic wrapper functions. # =============================================================================
[docs] def distance_tform_labels2D(labelled, dtform_fnc, clip=False): """ this function wraps a distance transform defined for a single binary and generalize to multi-labels. """ import skimage.measure as skmeasure import numpy as np distance = np.zeros(labelled.shape) binary = labelled>0 labelled_regions = skmeasure.regionprops(labelled) for reg in labelled_regions: patch = reg.image box = reg.bbox # (min_row, min_col, max_row, max_col) y1, x1, y2, x2 = box coords = reg.coords dist = dtform_fnc(patch) if clip: dist = dist / dist.max() dist = np.clip(dist, 0, 1) else: dist = np.clip(dist, 0, np.inf) # copy it into the larger array. distance[coords[:,0], coords[:,1]] = dist[coords[:,0]-y1, coords[:,1]-x1].copy() return distance
[docs] def distance_centroid_tform_flow_labels2D(labelled, dtform_method='cellpose', guide_img=None, fixed_point_percentile=0.9, iter_factor=5, power_dist=None): """ This function wraps a distance transform defined for a single binary with point source and generalize to multi-labels. """ # is there a better way to smooth this? import skimage.measure as skmeasure from skimage.morphology import skeletonize import skimage.segmentation as sksegmentation import numpy as np distance = np.zeros(labelled.shape) flow = np.zeros((2,)+labelled.shape) # binary = labelled>0 # to tell us which is not background labelled_regions = skmeasure.regionprops(labelled) for reg in labelled_regions: patch = reg.image box = reg.bbox # (min_row, min_col, max_row, max_col) # same behavior y1, x1, y2, x2 = box start = np.hstack([y1,x1]) coords = reg.coords # determine the median centroid = np.nanmedian(coords, axis=0) """ stability for gauss-siedel methods. """ inner = sksegmentation.find_boundaries(patch*1, mode='inner') inner = np.logical_and(patch, np.logical_not(inner)) inner_coords = np.argwhere(inner>0) if len(inner_coords)>0: inner_coords = (inner_coords+start[None,:]).copy() else: inner_coords = coords.copy() if guide_img is not None: # # use this to find an internal fixed point. coords_guide = guide_img[inner_coords[:,0],inner_coords[:,1]].copy() coords_valid = inner_coords[coords_guide>=np.percentile(coords_guide, fixed_point_percentile*100)] # coords_valid = np.argwhere(skeletonize(patch>0)>0)+start[None,:] centroid = coords_valid[np.argmin(np.linalg.norm(coords_valid-centroid[None,:], axis=1))] else: centroid = inner_coords[np.argmin(np.linalg.norm(inner_coords-centroid[None,:], axis=1))] if dtform_method == 'cellpose': niter = iter_factor*np.int32(np.ptp(coords[:,1]) + np.ptp(coords[:,0])) # there should be a better estimate of this. dist_, flow_ = cellpose_diffuse2D(coords-start[None,:]+1, # remove the global offset. centroid-start+1, shape=np.hstack(patch.shape)+1, niter=niter) if dtform_method == 'cellpose_improve': dist_, flow_ = poisson_dist_tform_flow(coords-start[None,:]+1, # remove the global offset. centroid-start+1, shape=np.hstack(patch.shape)+1, power_dist=power_dist) if dtform_method == 'fmm': # geodesic fast marching method dist_, flow_ = fmm_point_source2D(coords-start[None,:]+1, # remove the global offset. centroid-start+1, shape=np.hstack(patch.shape)+1) # diffuse_out = out.reshape(ly+2,lx+2, order='') distance[coords[:,0],coords[:,1]] = dist_.copy() flow[:,coords[:,0],coords[:,1]] = flow_.copy() # normalise flow /= (1e-20 + (flow**2).sum(axis=0)**0.5) return np.concatenate([distance[None,...], flow], axis=0) # concatenate this!. # then we compute both!.
# ============================================================================= # Parallel scripts # ============================================================================= def _distance_centroid_tform_flow_labels2D_chunk(labelled_array, dtform_method='cellpose', guide_img=None, fixed_point_percentile=0.9, iter_factor=5, power_dist=None): import numpy as np if guide_img is not None: dtform_flow = np.array([distance_centroid_tform_flow_labels2D(labelled_array[zz], dtform_method = dtform_method, guide_img=guide_img[zz], fixed_point_percentile=fixed_point_percentile, iter_factor=iter_factor, power_dist=power_dist) for zz in np.arange(len(labelled_array))]) else: dtform_flow = np.array([distance_centroid_tform_flow_labels2D(labelled_array[zz], dtform_method = dtform_method, guide_img=None, fixed_point_percentile=fixed_point_percentile, iter_factor=iter_factor, power_dist=power_dist) for zz in np.arange(len(labelled_array))]) return dtform_flow
[docs] def distance_centroid_tform_flow_labels2D_parallel(labelled_array, dtform_method='cellpose', guide_image=None, fixed_point_percentile=0.9, iter_factor=5, n_processes=4, power_dist=None): import multiprocessing as mp import numpy as np n_proc = n_processes chunksize = len(labelled_array)//n_proc # chunk the data. chunks = [] for i_proc in range(n_proc): chunkstart = i_proc * chunksize # make sure to include the division remainder for the last process chunkend = (i_proc + 1) * chunksize if i_proc < n_proc - 1 else None chunks.append(labelled_array[slice(chunkstart, chunkend)]) assert sum(map(len, chunks)) == len(labelled_array) # parallel computing with mp.Pool(processes=n_proc) as pool: # starts the sub-processes without blocking # pass the chunk to each worker process # proc_results = [pool.apply_async(centroid_geodesic_distance_transform2D_chunk, # args=(chunk,)) # for chunk in chunks] if dtform_method == 'cellpose_improve': proc_results = [pool.apply_async(_distance_centroid_tform_flow_labels2D_chunk, args=(chunk, dtform_method, guide_image,fixed_point_percentile, power_dist)) for chunk in chunks] else: proc_results = [pool.apply_async(_distance_centroid_tform_flow_labels2D_chunk, args=(chunk, dtform_method, guide_image,fixed_point_percentile, iter_factor)) for chunk in chunks] # blocks until all results are fetched res = np.vstack([r.get() for r in proc_results]) return res
# parallel above but for dtforms def _distance_tform_labels2D_chunk(labelled_array, dtform_fnc, clip=False): import numpy as np dtform = np.array([distance_tform_labels2D(labelled_array[zz], dtform_fnc = dtform_fnc, clip=clip) for zz in np.arange(len(labelled_array))]) return dtform
[docs] def distance_tform_labels2D_parallel(labelled_array, dtform_fnc, clip=False, n_processes=4): import multiprocessing as mp import numpy as np n_proc = n_processes chunksize = len(labelled_array)//n_proc # chunk the data. chunks = [] for i_proc in range(n_proc): chunkstart = i_proc * chunksize # make sure to include the division remainder for the last process chunkend = (i_proc + 1) * chunksize if i_proc < n_proc - 1 else None chunks.append(labelled_array[slice(chunkstart, chunkend)]) assert sum(map(len, chunks)) == len(labelled_array) # parallel computing with mp.Pool(processes=n_proc) as pool: # starts the sub-processes without blocking proc_results = [pool.apply_async(_distance_tform_labels2D_chunk, args=(chunk, dtform_fnc, clip)) for chunk in chunks] # blocks until all results are fetched res = np.vstack([r.get() for r in proc_results]) return res
def _relabel_slices(labelled, bg_label=0): import numpy as np max_ID = 0 labelled_ = [] for lab in labelled: lab[lab>bg_label] = lab[lab>bg_label] + max_ID # only update the foreground! labelled_.append(lab) max_ID = np.max(lab)+1 labelled_ = np.array(labelled_) return labelled_