multiScaleAnalysis.SegmentationHighres package
- multiScaleAnalysis.SegmentationHighres.gradient_watershed package
- Submodules
- multiScaleAnalysis.SegmentationHighres.gradient_watershed.filters module
- multiScaleAnalysis.SegmentationHighres.gradient_watershed.flows module
- multiScaleAnalysis.SegmentationHighres.gradient_watershed.flows_backup module
- multiScaleAnalysis.SegmentationHighres.gradient_watershed.metrics module
- multiScaleAnalysis.SegmentationHighres.gradient_watershed.plotting module
- multiScaleAnalysis.SegmentationHighres.gradient_watershed.segmentation module
- multiScaleAnalysis.SegmentationHighres.gradient_watershed.watershed module
- multiScaleAnalysis.SegmentationHighres.gradient_watershed.watershed_backup module
- Module contents
multiScaleAnalysis.SegmentationHighres.Cellpose_based_MacrophageSegmentation module
- multiScaleAnalysis.SegmentationHighres.Cellpose_based_MacrophageSegmentation.generate2Dsegmentations(im, im_cancer, savedeconvfilepath)[source]
Generate and save preprocessed/deconvolved data and cell pose segmentation masks
- Parameters:
im – image of macrophages
im_cancer – image of cancer cells
im_cancer – folder to save the deconvolved file
- multiScaleAnalysis.SegmentationHighres.Cellpose_based_MacrophageSegmentation.generate_binaryimage(im_deconvolved)[source]
Generate binary image from deconvolved image using otsu tresholding.
- Parameters:
im_deconvolved – a deconvolved image
- Returns:
binary image
- multiScaleAnalysis.SegmentationHighres.Cellpose_based_MacrophageSegmentation.merge_masks(mask_xy, mask_xz, mask_yz, im_binary)[source]
Return the gradients fused from 3 orthogonal segmentations
- Parameters:
mask_xy – Cellpose segmentation in xy direction
mask_xz – Cellpose segmentation in xz direction
mask_yz – Cellpose segmentation in yz direction
im_binary – Binary image to constrain the Cellpose-based segmentation
- Returns:
labels gradients for 3D watershed
- multiScaleAnalysis.SegmentationHighres.Cellpose_based_MacrophageSegmentation.register_stack(imagestack, applymedian=0, reference_flag='mean')[source]
Register the stack to account for drift that occurs.
- Parameters:
imagestack – stack to register
applymedian – apply value to zero elements if non zero
reference_flag – how should stackreg register stack
- Returns:
registered stack
multiScaleAnalysis.SegmentationHighres.ConnectedComponent_MacrophageSegmentation module
- multiScaleAnalysis.SegmentationHighres.ConnectedComponent_MacrophageSegmentation.generate_binaryimage(im_deconvolved)[source]
Generate binary image from deconvolved image using multi-otsu tresholding
- Parameters:
- Returns:
binary image
- multiScaleAnalysis.SegmentationHighres.ConnectedComponent_MacrophageSegmentation.prepare_segmentations(im, savedeconvfilepath, lateral_axialratio, psffilepath)[source]
Generate and save preprocessed/deconvolved data
- Parameters:
im – image of macrophages
savedeconvfilepath – folder to save the deconvolved file
lateral_axialratio – ratio of lateral to axial spacing
psffilepath – filepath to PSF file for deconvolution
- Returns:
saved images, ready to segment
- multiScaleAnalysis.SegmentationHighres.ConnectedComponent_MacrophageSegmentation.register_stack(imagestack, applymedian=0, reference_flag='mean')[source]
Register the stack to account for drift that occurs
- Parameters:
imagestack – stack to register
applymedian – apply value to zero elements if non zero
reference_flag – how should stackreg register stack
- Returns:
registered stack
multiScaleAnalysis.SegmentationHighres.Manual_curation module
- class multiScaleAnalysis.SegmentationHighres.Manual_curation.manual_curate_segmentation[source]
This class provides functions to manually curate images
- give_label_new_identiyinarea(stack, label, xrange=[], yrange=[], zrange=[])[source]
Find a label in (xrange, yrange, zrange) and give it a new unique label
- Parameters:
stack – numpy array to process
label – label to modify
xrange – narrow down where to modify the label (range in x/shape[1])
yrange – narrow down where to modify the label (range in y/shape[2])
zrange – narrow down where to modify the label (range in z/shape[0])
- Returns:
modified np.array, new unique label
- merge_label(stack, label1, label2)[source]
Merge labels (replaces label2 with label1)
- Parameters:
stack – numpy array to process
label1 – integer label
label2 – integer label
- Returns:
processed numpy array
- remove_label(stack, label)[source]
Removes a specific label from a 3D image stack.
- Parameters:
stack – numpy array
label – label
- Returns:
processed numpy array
- replace_one_label(stack, anotherstack, labeltoreplace)[source]
Replace all positions in a stack with a defined label (labeltoreplace) with unique labels of anotherstack at these positions.
- Parameters:
stack – np.array to replace a label
anotherstack – take the label id from this stack for all position with labeltoreplace in stack
labeltoreplace – label to replace
- Returns:
modified stack
- saveimage(new_image, path_save, path_save_RGB)[source]
Save the image to disk
- Parameters:
new_image – image to save
path_save – path to save label image
path_save_RGB – path to save label image with RGB color labels.
- takeLabel_fromanotherstack(stack, anotherstack, label)[source]
Take a label from another stack (anotherstack) and insert it into the current stack (stack).
- Parameters:
stack – numpy array to process
anotherstack – numpy array to take label from
label – label to take
- Returns:
processed numpy array
- takeLabel_fromanotherstack_range(stack, anotherstack_orig, label, xrange=[], yrange=[], zrange=[])[source]
Take a label from another stack (anotherstack) and insert it into the current stack (stack).
- Parameters:
stack – numpy array to process
anotherstack – numpy array to take label from
label – label to take
xrange – narrow down where to take the label from (range in x/shape[1])
yrange – narrow down where to take the label from (range in y/shape[2])
zrange – narrow down where to take the label from (range in z/shape[0])
- Returns:
processed numpy array
multiScaleAnalysis.SegmentationHighres.Merge_ConnectedComponents_Cellpose module
- class multiScaleAnalysis.SegmentationHighres.Merge_ConnectedComponents_Cellpose.merge_segmentations[source]
This class merges the segmentation of the binary mask which is ideal for macrophages that do not touch and the cellpose based segmentation that is required to distinguish touching macrophages
- iterate_throughfolder(segmenteddata_connected_folder, segmenteddata_cellpose_folder, parentsavefolder)[source]
Iterate through parentfolder to process individual timepoints.
- Parameters:
segmenteddata_connected_folder – folder with the data of the connected-components segmentation
segmenteddata_cellpose_folder – folder with the data of the cellpose-based segmentation
parentsavefolder – parent folder to save the image output
- process_timepoint(segmenteddata_connected, segmenteddata_cellpose, savefolder)[source]
Merge segmentations of one timepoint and save resulting image files to disk.
- Parameters:
segmenteddata_connected – imagefile with segmented data of connected component
segmenteddata_cellpose – imagefile with segmented data of cellpose segmentation
savefolder – folder where to save merged, segmented data
multiScaleAnalysis.SegmentationHighres.postprocessing_removeCancersignal module
# In this file, the segmented macrophages are postprocessed by # 1. removing the cancer signal from the label / segmented image by thresholding the cancer cell image and masking the label image # 2. by removing small labeled volumes (below volume size, determined by minimum_volumesize
multiScaleAnalysis.SegmentationHighres.preprocessing_class module
- class multiScaleAnalysis.SegmentationHighres.preprocessing_class.ImagePreprocessing[source]
This class contains all functions to preprocess the light-sheet images for successful segmentation
- anisodiff(img, niter=1, kappa=50, gamma=0.1, step=(1.0, 1.0), sigma=0, option=1, ploton=False)[source]
Anisotropic diffusion. Use as: imgout = anisodiff(im, niter, kappa, gamma, option)
Kappa controls conduction as a function of gradient. If kappa is low small intensity gradients are able to block conduction and hence diffusion across step edges. A large value reduces the influence of intensity gradients on conduction. Gamma controls speed of diffusion (you usually want it at a maximum of 0.25). Step is used to scale the gradients in case the spacing between adjacent pixels differs in the x and y axes. Diffusion equation 1 favours high contrast edges over low contrast ones. Diffusion equation 2 favours wide regions over smaller ones.
Reference: P. Perona and J. Malik. Scale-space and edge detection using ansotropic diffusion. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 12(7):629-639, July 1990.
Original MATLAB code by Peter Kovesi School of Computer Science & Software Engineering The University of Western Australia pk @ csse uwa edu au <>
Translated to Python and optimised by Alistair Muldal Department of Pharmacology University of Oxford <>
- Parameters:
img – Input image
niter – Number of iterations
kappa – Conduction coefficient 20-100 ?
gamma – Max value of .25 for stability
step – Tuple, the distance between adjacent pixels in (y,x) option 1: Perona Malik diffusion equation No 1 option 2: Perona Malik diffusion equation No 2
ploton –
if True, the image will be plotted on every iteration
- Returns:
imgout - diffused image.
- apply_unmix_model(img, model)[source]
Apply unmixing model on an image
- Parameters:
img – image to apply the unmixing to
model – Unmixing model
- Returns:
unmixed image.
- demix_videos(vid1, vid2, l1_ratio=0.5)[source]
Spectrally unmix two arrays.
- Parameters:
vid1 – np.array Stack 1 to unmix
vid2 – np.array Stack 2 to unmix
l1_ratio – The regularization mixing parameter, with 0 <= l1_ratio <= 1. For l1_ratio = 0 the penalty is an elementwise L2 penalty (aka Frobenius Norm). For l1_ratio = 1 it is an elementwise L1 penalty. For 0 < l1_ratio < 1, the penalty is a combination of L1 and L2.
- Returns:
unmixed image in one stack
- mkdir(folder)[source]
Make folders if they do not exist.
- Parameters:
folder – path to folder
- Returns:
empty list
- normalize(x, pmin=2, pmax=99.8, axis=None, clip=False, eps=1e-20, dtype=<class 'numpy.float32'>)[source]
Percentile-based image normalization.
- Parameters:
x – np.array to normalize
pmin – lower percentile boundary
pmax – upper percentile boundary
axis – {int, tuple of int, None} (optional) Axis or axes along which the percentiles are computed. The default is to compute the percentile(s) along a flattened version of the array.
clip – clip values of normalized array to [0,1]
eps – (optional) make sure that division is not zero with small value
dtype – (optional) type used for calculations
- normalize99(Y, lower=0.01, upper=99.99)[source]
Normalize image so 0.0 is 0.01st percentile and 1.0 is 99.99th percentile Upper and lower percentile ranges configurable.
- Parameters:
Y – ndarray, float. Component array of length N by L1 by L2 by … by LN.
upper – float. Upper percentile above which pixels are sent to 1.0
lower – float. Lower percentile below which pixels are sent to 0.0
- Returns:
Normalized array with a minimum of 0 and maximum of 1
- normalize_mi_ma(x, mi, ma, clip=False, eps=1e-20, dtype=<class 'numpy.float32'>)[source]
Minimal (mi) and maximal (ma) value based image normalization.
- Parameters:
x – np.array to normalize
mi – lower boundary for normalization
ma – upper boundary for normalization
clip – clip values of normalized array to [0,1]
eps – (optional) make sure that division is not zero with small value
dtype – (optional) type used for calculations
- smooth_vol(vol_binary, ds=4, smooth=5)[source]
Smooth an array with Gaussian filtering.
- Parameters:
vol_binary – np.array to smooth.
ds – scale on which to apply the smoothing.
smooth – Gaussian sigma to smooth data.
- Returns:
smoothed array.
- spectral_unmix_RGB(img, n_components=3, l1_ratio=0.5)[source]
Spectral unmixing function using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization.
- Parameters:
img – Stack of all combined images to unmix (e.g. combine two images: vid = np.dstack([np.max(vid1, axis=0), np.max(vid2, axis=0)])
n_components – how many images/components there are
l1_ratio – The regularization mixing parameter, with 0 <= l1_ratio <= 1. For l1_ratio = 0 the penalty is an elementwise L2 penalty (aka Frobenius Norm). For l1_ratio = 1 it is an elementwise L1 penalty.
- Returns:
unmixed image stack, unmix color model