src.stages package
src.stages.rotation_stage_cmd module
Script containing all functions to initialize and operate the rotation stage SR2812 from Smaract
- class src.stages.rotation_stage_cmd.SR2812_rotationstage(locator)
Class to operate the SR2812 rotation stage from Smaract.
- ExitIfError(status)
MCS controller error message parser. Print an error message if applicable.
- Parameters:
status – Status report of the stage.
- Returns:
- ManualMove()
Use the _GetchWindows class to manually operate the initialized stage from the command line.
- __init__(locator)
Initialize and connect rotation stage, and print out some parameters for debugging
- Parameters:
locator – Stage ID/address of the rotation stage, e.g. ‘usb:id:3948963354’
- close()
Close the rotation stage.
- getAngle()
Print current angle of rotation stage.
- moveToAngle(angle)
Move rotation stage to a specific angle.
- Parameters:
angle – Angle to move to.
src.stages.synthetic_rotation_stage module
Script containing all functions to initialize and operate a synthetic rotation stage
- class src.stages.synthetic_rotation_stage.Synthetic_rotationstage(locator)
Class to make and operate a synthetic rotation stage.
- __init__(locator)
Initialize a synthetic rotation stage.
- Parameters:
locator – Stage ID/address of the synthetic rotation stage.
- close()
Close synthetic rotation stage.
- getAngle()
Print current angle of rotation stage.
- moveToAngle(angle)
Move to specific angle with synthetic rotation stage.
- Parameters:
angle – Angle to move to.
src.stages.synthetic_translation_stage module
Script containing all functions to initialize and operate a synthetic translation stage
- class src.stages.synthetic_translation_stage.Synthetic_translationstage
Class to operate a synthetic translation stage system with 3 axes (XYZ).
- __init__()
Initialize the synthetic translation stage system (x,y,z positions) and stream events.
- close()
Close synthetic translation stage.
- findReference()
Reference synthetic translation stage and set values to zero.
- moveToPosition(position_list)
Move synthetic translation stage to new position.
- Parameters:
position_list – list of positions
- streamStackAcquisition_externalTrigger_setup(no_of_frames, increment, slow_velocity, slow_acceleration)
Set up synthetic translation stage into a waiting mode where it can be triggered to move stage by increment upon receiving triggers. Total number of triggers expected is no_of_frames.
- Parameters:
no_of_frames – How many external triggers are expected (number of images to acquire in stack acquisition).
increment – How big one step is.
slow_velocity – How fast the stage moves (slow_velocity * 10 mm/s).
slow_acceleration – How fast the stage is accelerated (slow_acceleration * 100 mm/s2).
- streamStackAcquisition_externalTrigger_waitEnd()
Wait for stream to finish.
src.stages.translation_stage_cmd module
Script containing all functions to initialize and operate the translation stages from Smaract
- class src.stages.translation_stage_cmd.SLC_translationstage(locator)
Class to operate the translation stage system with 3 axes (XYZ) from Smaract.
- __init__(locator)
Initialize and connect translation stage from Smaract, and print out some parameters for debugging
- Parameters:
locator – Stage ID/address of the rotation stage, e.g. ‘usb:sn:MCS2-00001723’
- assert_lib_compatibility()
Checks that the major version numbers of the Python API and the loaded shared SmarAct library are the same to avoid errors due to incompatibilities. Raises a RuntimeError if the major version numbers are different.
- close()
Close all translational stages from Smaract.
- findReference()
Find the reference position for all three channels (stage axes). Move the up-down stage (channel 2) first to avoid collisions with the illumination and detection objectives. Set the positions to zero after referencing.
- moveToPosition(position_list)
Move to a specific position (xyz) defined by the position_list.
- Parameters:
position_list – np.array with 3 values for 3 channels/axes.
- streamStackAcquisition_externalTrigger_setup(no_of_frames, increment, slow_velocity, slow_acceleration)
Set up a stack acquisition by preparing the stages to receive an external trigger signal that will move the stage by increment. no_of_frames trigger signals are expected. A waiting stream (thread) to receive voltage inputs is started.
- Parameters:
no_of_frames – How many external triggers are expected (number of images to acquire in stack acquisition).
increment – How big one step is.
slow_velocity – How fast the stage moves (slow_velocity * 10 mm/s).
slow_acceleration – How fast the stage is accelerated (slow_acceleration * 100 mm/s2).
- streamStackAcquisition_externalTrigger_waitEnd()
Wait for the stream started in streamStackAcquisition_externalTrigger_setup to end (i.e. when stack acquisition is complete).