gui package
gui.Welcome_window module
- class gui.Welcome_window.Welcome_Tab(parent, *args, **kwargs)
Welcome tab
A welcome tab to display free disk space and select experiment parameters such as:
Model organism
Fluorescent marker
Quit application
- __init__(parent, *args, **kwargs)
Initialize welcome tab
- Parameters:
parent – the ttk.Notebook class
- deleteme()
Upon call of this function from the quit button, a message window is shown before quitting. If “yes” is selected, quit the program.
- getwelcome_parameters()
Get parameters of welcome window.
- Returns:
list of parameters {username, modelOrganism, fluorescent maker}
gui.advancedsettings_window module
- class gui.advancedsettings_window.AdvancedSettings_Tab(parent, *args, **kwargs)
Advanced Settings Tab
A tab for advanced settings such as setting of :
Axially-swept light sheet parameters
Alignment mode to control the voltage at the remote mirror
Advanced stack acquisition settings such as camera delay and stage velocity/acceleration
- __init__(parent, *args, **kwargs)
Initialize advanced settings tab
- Parameters:
parent – the ttk.Notebook class
- change_voltage(voltage, factor)
Convert input from the +/- buttons to a change of 0.1 in voltage.
- Parameters:
voltage – tkinter voltage variable, voltage value to modify
factor – +1 or -1, determines whether to increase or decrease voltage
gui.main_window module
- class gui.main_window.MultiScope_MainGui(*args, **kwargs)
This is the main GUI class for the multi-scale microscope. It organizes and arranges the microscope GUI into different tabs:
A welcome tab
A stage tab
A run tab
An advanced settings tab
A tab to control the self-driving acquisition.
This is also the class to call when only starting the GUI without the model by calling: python
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Initialize GUI
gui.run_window module
- class gui.run_window.Run_Tab(parent, *args, **kwargs)
Run Tab
A run tab to select parameters such as:
Preview or stack acquisition
Stack acquisition parameters such as number of planes, which lasers to image, which cameras, plane distance
Time-lapse acquisition settings such as time interval and duration
Laser settings such as laser power of low- and highres illumination
Camera settings such as exposure time
Region of interest to image
- __init__(parent, *args, **kwargs)
Initialize run tab
- Parameters:
parent – the ttk.Notebook class
- preview_change(button)
Set from the controller to sink or raise button (change appearance), e.g. when running a preview or a stack acquisition.
- Parameters:
button – tkinter button to sink or raise
- preview_filter_select(button)
Change appearance of buttons for excitation wavelength. As a result, only the button of the selected wavelength (laser), that is running in the preview, is sunk. All other buttons are raised.
- Parameters:
button – tkinter button to sink
- updateTimesTimelapse()
Updates the displayed time-lapse parameters, such as starting time or the expected end time of the time-lapse.
gui.smart_window module
- class gui.smart_window.SmartMicroscopySettings_Tab(parent, *args, **kwargs)
Smart, self-driving microscope tab
A tab to select whether to run the self-driving microscope module or not and which channel to use for low-resolution guidance.
- __init__(parent, *args, **kwargs)
Initialize self-driving, smart microscopy tab
- Parameters:
parent – the ttk.Notebook class
gui.stages_window module
- class gui.stages_window.Stages_Tab(parent, *args, **kwargs)
Stage tab
A stages tab to select which positions will be imaged in a timelapse
Change step size of stage movements
Move to position (value entry and buttons)
Activate keyboard for movement and add positions (a,s,w,d and r,t)
Move to a defined position in the table (right)
Automatically generate mosaic of positions
Two tables to display selected low-res and high-res positions
Note: Positions are displayed using a ttk.Treeview construct.
- __init__(parent, *args, **kwargs)
Initialize stages Tab
- Parameters:
parent – the ttk.Notebook class
- addhighresPos()
Add the current stage positions (translational stage, rotational stage) at the current stage position index (self.stage_currentPosindex) in the high-resolution position list.
- addlowresPos()
Add the current stage positions (translational stage, rotational stage) at the current stage position index (self.stage_currentPosindex) in the low-resolution position list.
- change_angle(direction, factor)
This function changes the value of the rotational stage position (direction) in the direction of the factor (+1 or -1) by the value of the rotational stage step size.
- Parameters:
direction – Defines the rotational stage position to update (self.stage_moveto_angle)
factor – Defines direction of update (+1/-1)
- change_currentposition(direction, factor)
This function changes the value of the stage position (direction) in the direction of the factor (+1 or -1) by the value of the translation stage step size.
- Parameters:
direction – Defines which stage position to update (e.g. self.stage_moveto_lateral)
factor – Defines direction of update (+1/-1)
- deletehighresPos()
Delete position in high-resolution position list that corresponds to the current selected position (self.stage_currenthighresPosindex)
- deletelowresPos()
Delete position in low-resolution position list that corresponds to the current selected position (self.stage_currentPosIndex)
- display_tree(tree, positionlist)
Update the display of the positions in the GUI position table.
- Parameters:
tree – Which tree to update low-resolution data tree (self.stage_savedPos_tree) or high-resolution (self.stage_highres_savedPos_tree)
positionlist – Current updated positions to display
- loadhighresPosList()
Load saved high-resolution position list from memory
- loadlowresPosList()
Load saved low-resolution position list from memory
- makeMosaic(camera)
Generate a mosaic based on the selected parameters for either high- or low-resolution data
- Parameters:
camera – defines whether mosaic is generated for high-resolution (“highres”) or low-resolution (“lowres”) data
- reverthighresList()
Go back to previous high-resolution position list (e.g. to list before loading a saved list, or adding a position).
- revertlowresList()
Go back to previous low-resolution position list (e.g. to list before loading a saved list, or adding a position).
- savehighresPosList()
Save the current high resolution stage position list
- savelowresPosList()
Save the current low resolution stage position list
- update_stage_trans_stepsize(event)
When the Tkinter slider (apply a logarithmic scaling to the slider) for the translation stage step size is changed, update the value of the stage_trans_stepsize parameter (displayed in the entry field).
- Parameters:
event – update event